Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Cinnamon: Natural Remedy For Heart Health In Women With PCOS


Millions of women throughout the world suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, PCOS, a common hormonal condition. In addition to interfering with menstruation and fertility, this illness increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Controlling these risks is essential since women with PCOS frequently have high insulin levels, obesity, and inflammation. However, natural remedies like cinnamon, a common culinary spice, have become a natural medicine with great promise to defend against these dangers.


Let’s explore the advantages of cinnamon for cardiovascular health in PCOS, and ways to incorporate it.


Benefits Of Cinnamon For Women With PCOS

·         Weight Loss- It has been demonstrated that taking supplements of cinnamon helps women with PCOS to lose a substantial amount of weight. Cinnamon is a great supplement to any weight-reduction diet because frequent taking it results in considerable weight loss.


·         Enhanced Resistance to Insulin- Insulin resistance and PCOS are closely related. High blood insulin levels brought on by insulin resistance can lead the ovaries to overproduce androgens or male hormones, aggravating PCOS symptoms such as irregular periods, acne, and hair loss.


·         Cardiovascular Benefits of Cholesterol- The risk of cardiovascular illnesses is increased for women with PCOS since they frequently have low HDL (good cholesterol) and high LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. Cinnamon helps in reducing total cholesterol.



·         Packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds- Chronic inflammation and elevated oxidative stress, an imbalance between your body’s antioxidant defenses and free radicals have been connected to PCOS. Strong antioxidants like polyphenols, which are abundant in cinnamon, help neutralize free radicals and lessen oxidative stress.


·         Controlling Blood Sugar and Sugar CravingsBecause of its inherent sweetness, cinnamon can help balance blood sugar levels, lessen sugar cravings, and avoid insulin surges after meals. This promotes overall metabolic health in addition to helping with weight management.


How To Incorporate Cinnamon Into Your Diet?


·         Put it in your curries for a sweet twist, or add it to your pulao or boiling rice!

·         You just mix it into your hot tea or coffee. You can incorporate it into your detox beverages as well.

·         If baking is your thing, adding a little cinnamon powder to your cake mix or pie filling will do much more than just improve the flavour.

·         If you enjoy overnight oats, don’t be afraid to sprinkle some cinnamon powder on top to give your overnight oats the ultimate, healthful cinnamon roll experience!

Beyond its use as a spice, cinnamon is a natural powerhouse that has many health benefits, especially for women with PCOS. You can take proactive measures to manage PCOS and safeguard your heart by including cinnamon in your diet in addition to leading a healthy lifestyle and following medical advice. Your long-term health and well-being can be significantly improved by making small adjustments, such as including this fragrant spice in your meals.

ताकत का डबल डोज हैं ये हरी सब्जियां, बदलते मौसम में हर बीमारी से करती हैं बचाव, बॉडी हो जाती है फौलाद


दिल्ली: बदलते मौसम में अक्सर हम थका और बीमार हुआ महसूस करते हैं. साथ ही बदन में दर्द के  साथ बुखार और कमजोरी लगती है. इससे लोगों का स्वभाव भी चिड़चिड़ा हो जाता है. ऐसे में आज ही आपको अपने खान-पीन को दुरुस्त करने की जरूरत है. रोजाना सुबह नाश्ते से लेकर रात के खाने में न्यूट्रिएंट से भरपूर सब्जियों और फलों का सेवन करना बहुत जरूरी है.

इससे न केवल आपकी और आपके बच्चों की इम्युनिटी मजबूत होगी. बल्कि बदलते मौसम और खराब एयर क्वालिटी में भी आप स्वस्थ रह पाएंगे. आज चलिए जानते हैं कि कौन सी वह सब्जियां और फल हैं, जिन्हें खाकर लोग बदलते मौसम और प्रदुषित मौसम में स्वस्थ रह सकते हैं.

इन सब्जियों और फलों का करें सेवन

दिल्ली की डॉ स्वाति चौहान ने लोकल 18 से बताया कि हमें स्वस्थ रहने के लिए अपने आहार में, अपने डेली के नाश्ते में, खाने में कैल्शियम, आयरन, विटामिन-A, C, और बीटा केराटिन आदि भरपूर मात्रा में लेना चाहिए. सर्दियों का मौसम चल रहा है और इस वक्त सब्जियां काफी अच्छी मिलती है. ऐसे में हमें सर्दियों के मौसम में खासकर अपने खाने में टमाटर सभी कलर वाली शिमला मिर्च ब्रोकली, पलक , अमला, मेंथी, पुदीना, पत्ता गोभी, सरसों ,करेला यह सारी चीजों को शामिल करना चाहिए.

इन सब्जियों में भरपूर मात्रा में विटामिन-A, C और आयरन पाया जाता है. जो हमें अंदर से स्वस्थ रखने के लिए काम करता है. इसके अलावा फलों में हमें चुकंदर, नींबू ,केला अनार और कीवी यह सब शामिल करना चाहिए. सभी फल एंटीऑक्सीडेंट और पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर होते हैं.

कैसे करें इनका चुनाव

डॉ स्वाति कहती हैं कि कभी भी सब्जियां लेते हुए यह हमेशा याद रखें कि जो सब्जियों का रंग या फलों का रंग हल्का होता है. उनमें न्यूट्रिशन नहीं पाया जाता है.  उनमें न्यूट्रिशन की वैल्यू कम होती है. इसके अलावा जिन सब्जियों का रंग हल्का गहरा होता है. उसमें ज्यादा न्यूट्रीशन वैल्यू वाली होती है. ऐसे में कभी भी हल्के रंग की सब्जियां और फल ना खरीदें.

Monday, 13 January 2025

Thyroid Awareness Month: Understanding Thyroid Disorders in Pregnancy

January marks Thyroid Awareness Month, a time to highlight the importance of thyroid health. The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating bodily functions, and any imbalance can lead to serious health issues. For expectant mothers, thyroid disorders can have significant implications, making awareness and early detection essential for a healthy pregnancy.

The Impact of Thyroid Disorders on Pregnancy

Dr. Shelly Singh, Senior Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Fortis La Femme GK, explains that thyroid conditions can affect fertility and pregnancy. Women with pre-existing thyroid disorders may need medication adjustments before and during pregnancy. Furthermore, post-partum thyroiditis can occur after delivery.

Thyroid hormones are vital for the mental and neurological development of the baby. Dr. Singh emphasizes the importance of maintaining proper thyroid function during pregnancy to ensure normal brain development and motor skills in the child.

Symptoms of Thyroid Disorders in Pregnancy

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid):

Extreme fatigue

Memory or concentration problems

Muscle cramps

Severe constipation

Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid):

Fast heartbeat

Heat intolerance

Tremors in hands

Risks of Untreated Thyroid Disorders

According to Dr. Dimple Bordoloi, Head of the Department, Obstetrics & Gynecology, MASSH-MANAS Super Speciality Hospital, thyroid disorders can lead to several complications during pregnancy:

Subfertility (difficulty in conceiving)

Increased risk of miscarriage, preterm labor, and low birth weight

Higher chances of hypertension (PIH) during pregnancy

Untreated thyroid disorders can cause irreversible effects on the fetus, including low IQ and impaired brain and motor development.

Dr. Singh also highlights that untreated thyroid conditions can cause serious complications such as miscarriages, stillbirth, high blood pressure, anemia, and even congestive heart failure in rare cases. For the baby, untreated thyroid disorders can lead to developmental issues and heart problems.

Diagnosis and Monitoring

Early detection is key. Dr. Singh advises that thyroid disease should be diagnosed as early as possible, ideally before conception, through blood tests measuring free T3, T4, and TSH levels. Regular monitoring throughout pregnancy is essential to ensure the health of both mother and baby.

Treatment Options

Thyroid disorders in pregnancy are treatable with oral medication. Dr. Singh reassures that with proper diagnosis and treatment, expectant mothers can have a normal pregnancy and delivery. A healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet with iodine-fortified salt and whole grains, helps maintain thyroid health.

Dr. Bordoloi stresses that thyroid screening during pre-pregnancy counseling and early antenatal check-ups is crucial. With controlled thyroid levels, women can have a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby. It’s essential for mothers to maintain their TSH levels below 2.5 during the first 12 weeks and aim for 3 after that.

Thyroid health plays a critical role in both maternal and fetal well-being. By being aware of the symptoms, risks, and treatment options, expectant mothers can ensure a healthier pregnancy. Regular screening and timely intervention can prevent complications and promote the development of a healthy baby.

Understanding Red and Blue Light in Skin Protection

As a dermatologist with decades of experience, I’ve witnessed significant advancements in photobiology, especially concerning the interaction of visible light—red and blue wavelengths—with the skin. These light therapies, once niche, are now widely integrated into both dermatological treatments and home-based skincare. Dr Aparna Santhanam, dermatologist helps us break down their roles and potential in skin protection:  


Red Light: The Skin’s Ally for Repair and Rejuvenation

Red light, typically in the 620–750 nm wavelength range, penetrates the skin more deeply than blue light, reaching the dermis. Its primary effects are:

·         Collagen Stimulation: Red light stimulates fibroblasts, promoting collagen and elastin production. This is invaluable in reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and overall skin laxity.

·         Anti-inflammatory Properties: It mitigates inflammation by modulating cytokine activity, making it beneficial for conditions like rosacea and post-procedure recovery.

·         Improved Wound Healing: By enhancing mitochondrial function, red light speeds up tissue repair and can even aid in reducing scarring.

Clinical studies underscore its utility in photo rejuvenation and adjunctive therapy for acne scarring and non-healing wounds. Regular exposure to controlled doses of red light enhances the skin’s resilience to environmental stressors, including pollution and oxidative damage.

Blue Light: Double-Edged Sword in Dermatology

Blue light, within the 400–495 nm spectrum, interacts primarily with the epidermis and has a dual role:

The Positive

·         Acne Control: Blue light is bactericidal, targeting Cutibacterium acnes (formerly Propionibacterium acnes), the bacteria implicated in acne. It produces reactive oxygen species that destroy bacterial membranes without harming the skin.

·         Oil Reduction: It helps regulate sebaceous gland activity, making it particularly effective for oily and acne-prone skin types.

The Negatives

·         Photo damage: Chronic exposure to blue light from screens, LEDs, and sunlight can penetrate the skin and generate free radicals. This contributes to pigmentation, premature aging, and collagen degradation.

·         Impact on Melanin: In individuals with darker skin tones, blue light has been shown to exacerbate hyperpigmentation, especially post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH).

Protective Measures against Blue Light

Given the harmful effects of blue light, proactive protection is essential:

·         Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen: Modern formulations now include iron oxides and antioxidants to block visible light effectively.

·         Antioxidants: Topical antioxidants like vitamin C, niacinamide, and ferulic acid neutralize free radicals generated by blue light.

·         Screen Protection: Blue light filters for devices and screen-free breaks can minimize unnecessary exposure.

Clinical Integration

In practice, red and blue light therapies are often combined for synergistic effects, particularly in acne treatment. Red light soothes inflammation and supports skin healing post-acne, while blue light addresses the bacterial load and oil regulation. This dual approach provides a non-invasive, effective solution for acne management with minimal downtime.

Final Thoughts

While red light serves as a reparative force in dermatology, blue light’s role remains context-dependent—beneficial when harnessed in controlled settings but potentially harmful with unregulated exposure. As dermatologists, understanding and leveraging these wavelengths is pivotal to crafting personalized treatment regimens, ensuring optimal outcomes for every skin type and concern.

Let science guide the light we shine on skin health.

Friday, 10 January 2025

5 Things You Should Do to Take Care of Your Dental Health

India’s Oral Hygiene practices have seen considerable improvement in recent decades, but gaps remain, particularly in rural areas where dental routines are inconsistent. Despite growing awareness, many people still struggle with maintaining proper Oral Care, leading to a high prevalence of dental issues.

Alarming statistics indicate that 90% of Indians suffer from some form of Oral Health issue, including cavities, gum disease, and oral infections. Common barriers include limited access to dental professionals, a lack of preventive care, and poor understanding of proper Oral Hygiene practices. These challenges emphasize the need for widespread education on maintaining good Oral Health.

In response to these challenges, initiatives like Colgate’s Oral Health Movement play a vital role in encouraging preventive care and raising awareness across the country. By promoting daily brushing, flossing, and regular checkups, these efforts aim to encourage a healthier, more informed approach to Oral Hygiene.

To help bridge these gaps, here are five essential steps you can take to maintain strong and healthy teeth, according to Dr. Ashish Jain, Professor & Head, Department of Periodontology, Dr. HSJ Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Panjab University, Chandigarh, and Secretary, Indian Society of Periodontology shares all you need to know:

  1. Visit the Dentist Regularly for Check-upsRegular dental visits, ideally every six months, are essential for catching issues early and keeping teeth in top condition. Dentists can detect issues like cavities or gum disease in their early stages, making treatment easier and less invasive. However, regular check-ups are still a developing habit in India, where many people only visit the dentist when there’s pain. Preventive check-ups can save money, discomfort, and help in maintaining a healthier smile.
  2. Limit Sugary and Acidic FoodsIndian diets often include sugary teas, sweets, and acidic foods like pickles, which can erode tooth enamel. Consuming these items in moderation can help protect your teeth. Rinsing with water after meals and chewing sugar-free gum can also help neutralize acids. To keep teeth strong, consider incorporating calcium-rich foods like milk and leafy greens, which help strengthen teeth and bones, reducing the risk of decay.
  3. Brush Twice a Day, Especially at NightBrushing twice daily, especially before bed, is essential for keeping teeth clean and free of decay. Use a fluoride toothpaste to strengthen enamel and a soft-bristled brush that reaches all areas of your mouth comfortably. It’s also important to brush for two minutes in circular motions to ensure plaque is removed effectively. Many Indians may rush through brushing, but giving it proper time and care can significantly reduce dental issues.
  4. Floss Daily to Clean Between TeethFlossing is often overlooked in India, but it’s crucial for removing food particles and plaque trapped between teeth. This simple habit can prevent plaque buildup and gum problems, especially in areas that a toothbrush may not reach. Floss gently between each tooth without snapping, as this can injure gums. For a more convenient and effective option, water flossers can also be used to clean between teeth and along the gum line, providing a gentle alternative to traditional flossing. Regular flossing can make a noticeable difference in your Oral Health, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.
  5. Use a Mouthwash for Added ProtectionMouthwash is an excellent addition to your Oral Care routine because it helps eliminate bacteria that cause bad breath, plaque, and gum disease. Look for a mouthwash with fluoride for added protection against cavities or consider an alcohol-free option if you have sensitive gums. Swishing with mouthwash leaves your mouth feeling fresh and protected, a step that an increasing number of Indians are now incorporating into their daily routine.By following these practices, you can significantly improve your Oral Health. Small steps like regular brushing, flossing, and maintaining a balanced diet build strong, lifelong habits that will help keep your teeth and gums healthy for years to come. Adopting a proactive approach to Oral Care today can help prevent serious dental issues tomorrow, ensuring a bright and healthy smile for the future.

The 6-Minute Walking Test: A Simple Way To Measure Your Heart And Lung Health

Maintaining physical fitness is crucial for overall health, and one simple way to gauge your physical strength and endurance is through a test called the 6-minute walking test. This straightforward exercise not only measures how strong you are but also offers valuable insights into the health of your cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. So, how does this walking test work, and what can it tell you about your well-being?

What is the 6-Minute Walking Test?

The 6-minute walking test is a non-invasive method designed to assess your stamina, aerobic capacity, and overall physical fitness. By measuring the distance you can walk within a span of 6 minutes on a flat, hard surface, this test provides an indication of how well your heart, lungs, and muscles are functioning. It’s a quick and effective way to determine your physical capabilities, offering a snapshot of your health and fitness levels.

According to a Times of India report, the 6-minute walking test is a valuable tool for evaluating cardiovascular health. It helps determine how well your body can perform routine physical activities, such as walking or climbing stairs, and it also sheds light on your cardiovascular and respiratory fitness.

To take the 6-minute walking test, participants walk a distance of 30 metres back and forth on a flat surface for six minutes, aiming to cover as much distance as possible at their own pace. It’s okay to slow down or take short breaks, but the goal is to keep walking continuously. The distance walked in six minutes is then compared to standard benchmarks, considering factors such as age, gender, and health status.

For healthy adults under 60, walking between 400 to 700 metres within the six minutes is typical. However, for older individuals or those with health conditions, the distance may be shorter. Young, fit individuals might walk farther, while those who are obese or have underlying health issues could cover less distance. Chronic conditions, such as heart disease, lung disease, and musculoskeletal disorders, can limit a person’s walking capacity, making the test a useful tool for identifying potential health concerns.

What Does the Distance Walked Indicate?

The results of the 6-minute walking test can be telling. A shorter walking distance may indicate several potential health issues, such as poor cardiovascular health or impaired lung function. If someone struggles to walk even a small distance, it might signal that their heart is not pumping blood effectively, or that oxygen is not being delivered efficiently to the body.

The test can help doctors assess how well a person’s heart and lungs are functioning, and can be used to predict the potential risks they face, including hospitalisation, survival rates, and long-term health outcomes.

For individuals with chronic conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, or other respiratory issues, the 6-minute walking test is especially beneficial. It can reveal whether breathing difficulties are limiting physical activity and how efficiently the lungs are working.

For people with chronic conditions such as kidney disease, diabetes, or cancer, the 6-minute walking test provides valuable information about how their illness is affecting their physical capacity and overall quality of life. Research indicates that those who can walk longer distances tend to have better outcomes, including a higher survival rate and a better quality of life.

If you find yourself walking shorter distances in the test, it may indicate muscle weakness, physical fatigue, or other issues that hinder your physical performance. Regular exercise can help improve stamina and muscle strength, addressing some of these concerns.

The 6-minute walking test is a straightforward and effective way to evaluate your cardiovascular and respiratory health. It’s a powerful tool for anyone looking to understand their physical fitness and identify potential health issues before they become more serious. Whether you’re managing a chronic condition or simply want to assess your heart and lung health, this quick test can provide essential insights into your overall well-being.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Exercises To Boost Immunity Amid HMPV Scare: Strengthen Your Body With 8 Powerful Workouts



HMPV, which stands for Human Metapneumovirus is a respiratory virus that is currently making headlines across the world. This virus causes symptoms like fever, cough, breathing problems, etc. The symptoms are almost similar to that of flu or common cold. The surge in cases first began in China and now multiple cases have been reported in India as well. India has confirmed seven cases as of today in Gujarat, Karnataka, Kolkata, and Maharashtra. Health authorities in India and across the world have ramped up measures to curb the spread of this respiratory virus. However, global health authorities have cautioned that the HMPV virus is not a new pathogen and there is not cause of panic.


Amid global HMPV scare, you can take up preventive measures by boosting up your immune health and here's how you can do it. Follow these 8 steps that will prevent you and your loved ones from falling ill.


8 Best Workouts To Strengthen Body Amid HMPV Scare


Walking may seem like a low impact workout but it is highly effective for your immune system. It helps the immune cells move throughout the body more efficiently.


Yoga Asanas

Yoga is the ultimate immune-boosting workout. Practice this for 15 minutes every day and you will emerge stronger than ever. Yoga helps decrease inflammation, boosts blood circulation and reduces stress all of which are good for your immunity.


Strength Training

Weight training is a very effective workout to boost immune health. It has the following benefits: boosts muscle mass, boosts bone density, boosts metabolism and produces white blood cells which fights infections.



Any type of cardiovascular workout is good for your immune health because it will help boost heart health, reduce inflammation, boost circulation, reduce risks of obesity and prepare the body to fight infections.



Running for ten to fifteen minutes daily can revamp your immune system. It works on circulation, immune-boosting hormones, heart health, lung capacity all of which are linked to your immune system.



The tension that builds up in your body is stored in your muscles and this can lead to pain, stress and low immunity. Therefore, stretching can help you improve flexibility, ease muscular tension and boost blood circulation.



Pilates helps improve core strength, flexibility, and posture. It also reduces stress and promotes better circulation, which can support immune health.



Swimming is a great low-impact exercise that builds cardiovascular strength, improves lung function, and boosts circulation. The water's resistance helps tone muscles while the rhythmic movements reduce stress.