Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Platelet Count: डेंगू ही नहीं इस बीमारी में भी कम हो जाती हैं प्लेटलेट्स, ये हैं लक्षण

अगर किसी को डेंगू नहीं है.बावजूद इसके शरीर में प्लेटलेट्स की संख्या 1 लाख से नीचे आ गई है या लगातार कम हो रही है तो सावधान हो जाना चाहिए.ऐसा इमूयुन थ्रोम्बोसाइटोपेनिया बीमारी की वजह से हो सकता है.


इम्यून थ्रोम्बोसाइटोपेनिया क्या है

Immune Thrombocytopenic : डेंगू के कुछ मरीजों का प्लेटलेट्स काउंट गिर जाता है, जो बेहद खतरनाक माना जाता है. 50,000 से कम प्लेटलेट्स काउंट होना जानलेवा हो सकता है. यही कारण है कि खानपान और सही इलाज की सलाह दी जाती है.

डेंगू (Dengue) के अलावा एक बीमारी और भी है, जिसमें प्लेटलेट्स काउंट कम हो जाता है. इस बीमारी का नाम इम्यून थ्रोम्बोसाइटोपेनिया (Immune Thrombocytopenic) है. यह बीमारी ब्लड में होती है. आइए जानते हैं इसका कारण, लक्षण और बचने के उपाय...

इम्यून थ्रोम्बोसाइटोपेनिया का कारण

इस बीमारी का अभी तक कोई सटीक कारण नहीं मिल पाया है. कुछ एक्सपर्ट्स का मानना है कि शरीर के इम्यून सिस्टम में किसी गड़बड़ी की वजह से ये बीमारी होती है. इसमें शरीर का इम्यून सिस्टम ही प्लेटलेट्स को नुकसान पहुंचाने का काम करता है और उसे घटा देता है.

इम्यून थ्रोम्बोसाइटोपेनिया का पता कैसे चलता है

सीबीसी और पीएस टेस्ट से इस बीमारी का पता लगता है. कुछ मामलों में डेंगू से रिकवर होने के बाद मरीज इस बीमारी की चपेट में जाता है. अगर किसी इंसान को डेंगू नहीं है. बावजूद इसके उसके शरीर में प्लेटलेट्स की संख्या 1 लाख से नीचे गई है या लगातार कम हो रही है तो सावधान हो जाना चाहिए. ऐसा इमूयुन थ्रोम्बोसाइटोपेनिया की वजह से हो सकता है. हालांकि, यह बीमारी कॉमन नहीं है, फिर भी इसके लक्षण नजर आने पर टेस्ट करवाना चाहिए. डॉक्टर दवाईयों की मदद से इसके लक्षणों को कंट्रोल करते हैं.


इम्यून थ्रोम्बोसाइटोपेनिया के लक्षण


1.       डेंगू के बिना प्लेटलेट्स काउंट गिरना

2. स्किन पर छोटे-छोटे चकत्ते बनना

3. मसूड़ों, मुंह और नाक से खून निकलना

4. शरीर पर बड़े साइज के चोट के निशान बन जाना

5. घुटने या कोहनी के जोड़ पर जख्म बन जाना

6.  हर वक्त थकान बने रहना

7.  पीरियड्स में ज्यादा ब्लीडिंग


इम्यून थ्रोम्बोसाइटोपेनिया से कैसे बचें

चूंकि यह बीमारी इम्यून सिस्टम में गड़बड़ी की वजह से होती है, इसलिए इससे बचने का कोई खास तरीका नहीं है लेकिन इम्यून सिस्टम को मजबूत बनाकर इससे बचा जा सकता है. शरीर में प्लेटलेट्स काउंट को बढ़ाने के लिए डॉक्टर से दवाईयां लें और इलाज करवाएं. इससे इस बीमारी को आसानी से कंट्रोल कर सकते हैं.


Disclaimer: खबर में दी गई कुछ जानकारी मीडिया रिपोर्ट्स पर आधारित है. आप किसी भी सुझाव को अमल में लाने से पहले संबंधित विशेषज्ञ से सलाह जरूर लें.

Friday, 26 July 2024

How to Prevent Seasonal Diseases with Neem Tea

     Neem has long been a part of our traditional medical treatment in India. It has antiseptic and antiviral properties that aid in the healing of internal and external wounds. The book "Ayurveda for All" states that Neem helps us balance our "vata," or neuromascular disorders. Effective Ayurvedic Self-Cure for Common and Chronic Ailments Additionally, it enhances free radical scavenging and aids in blood flushing of toxins.

    Neem tea can probably be prepared in as many different ways as there are countries where it is regarded as the "healer of all ailments." Filling a cup with very hot water, adding five neem leaves, and letting it cool is the easiest way to make a single cup of tea. This tea is perfect for the "K-cup" coffee makers; just remove the K-cup before brewing.)

    Add your preferred sweetener, but do not strain the tea as the bulky whole leaf will remain in the cup's bottom.

    An automatic drip coffee maker is easiest to use for larger quantities. After thoroughly cleaning the basket to eliminate any taste of coffee in your neem tea, fill the water container. Turn on the machine and place a few neem leaves in the coffee pot, not the basket. Serve after about five minutes of heating.

    Keep the tea in the refrigerator if you plan to use it frequently. This will keep the flavor fresh.

Significant NOTE: The majority of people are more likely to appreciate the flavor of a weaker neem tea over a stronger one. The tea becomes much more bitter if it is overcooked or if the quantity of neem leaf is increased. 

Type of Neem


Fresh neem leaf

Place five neem leaflets in a cup of water, allow to cool, then sweeten to taste

Dry neem leaf

Same as above, taste may be stronger but you can add more water or use less leaf the next time you brew tea

Tea-cut neem leaf

Use a heaping ¼ teaspoon per cup of water

Neem leaf powder

Use a scant ¼ teaspoon per cup of water. Allow to cool

Neem bark powder

Use a scant ¼ teaspoon per cup of water or add a tablespoon to the coffee in your automatic drip coffee maker for a New Orleans-style chicory taste.

Neem leaf tea with peppermint

Use ¼ to ½ teaspoon in a cup of very hot water, allow to cool and then sweeten to taste.

Neem bark powder with cinnamon

Use ¼ to ½ teaspoon in a cup of very hot water, allow to cool and then sweeten to taste.

Supercritical neem drops

Add three to five drops of supercritical neem extract (we like the bark and peppermint version) to a cup of very hot water, stir well and sweeten to taste.

Monday, 18 October 2021

The Benefits of Fitness

 Fitness and Health

The word health is often associated only with physical fitness, but there are other components of health.
FITNESS means “readiness”. Fit people are better equipped than non-fit people.
The level of fitness includes all aspects of health and life. 
It affects physical, mental, and social health. 

What is Physical Fitness?

Physical Fitness is the ability of your body systems to work efficiently. A fit person is able to carry out the typical activities of living, such as work, and still have enough energy and vigor to respond to emergency situations and to enjoy leisure time activities.

Physical Activity and Exercise

Physical activity is a general term that includes sports, dance, and activities done at work or at home, such as walking, climbing stairs, or mowing the lawn.
When people do physical activity especially for the purpose of getting fit, we say they are doing exercise.

Health and Wellness Benefits of Physical Activity

Regular physical activity can do much to prevent disease and illness.
It can help you look your best (with proper nutrition, good posture, and good body mechanics).
Besides looking better, people who do regular physical activity feel better, do better on academic work, and are less depressed than people who are less active.
Regular physical activity results in physical fitness which is the key to being able to do more of things you want to do and enjoy life.
It allows you to be fit enough to meet emergencies and day-to-day demanding situations.
Being physically active can build fitness, which, in turn, provides you with many health and wellness benefits.

The Parts of Physical Fitness

Health - Related Physical Fitness

  It helps you stay healthy

Health - Related Physical Fitness

Cardiovascular fitness: the ability to exercise your entire body for long periods of time. Strength: the amount of force your muscles can produce. Muscular endurance: the ability to use your muscles many times without tiring. Flexibility: the ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion. Body fatness – composition: is the percentage of body weight that is made up of fat when compared to other body tissue, such as bone and muscle.

Agility is the ability to change the position of your body quickly and to control body’s movements. People with good agility are most likely to be good at activities such as: diving, soccer, ice skating, wrestling, etc.

Balance is the ability to keep an upright posture while standing still or moving. People with good balance are most likely to be good in activities such as gymnastics, ice skating, rhythmic
 gymnastics, ski-jumping, surfing, etc.

Power is the ability to use strength and speed. People with good power might have the ability to put the shot, throw the discus, high jump, play football, speed swim, speed skate, etc.

Friday, 30 July 2021

Useful Food For Hair Growth


Everyone wants a perfect head of strong and strong hair. One of the main factors influencing hair growth is your diet. Hair follicles and hair follicles are responsible for the growth of hair, so giving them the right type of nutrition for healthy hair is important. To make sure your hair is getting the nutrients it needs to grow, add the best hair growth foods to your diet. If you want strong, strong hair, you need to eat a balanced diet that contains protein and other essential nutrients.

This is a diet that promotes healthy hair –

• incorporate eggs into your diet and biotin. Your hair needs these two things to grow properly. A complete protein diet stimulates the hair follicles because these nerves are composed of protein. Those with less protein tend to have more hair. In the same way, hair is made from a protein called keratin. The body needs biotin to produce keratin. Eggs contain enough biotin and protein to promote hair growth. Eggs also contain other nutrients such as zinc and selenium, these trace elements promote healthy hair.

 • Go green and eat vegetables is one of the best vegetables around. It provides many benefits for your health. Foods rich in vitamins A, C, iron, and folic acid - these foods promote growth. Vegetables are one of the best sources of iron. Hair loss is a common condition with low iron levels. Vegetarians do not eat meat on the back, so the level at which they go down. They need to eat vegetables to meet their daily needs.

 • Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene. The body gets vitamin A from beta carotene, which is associated with better hair health. Vitamin A increases the production of sebum in the scalp which makes your hair healthy. This vitamin also promotes hair growth and speeds up your hair growth. Fruits contain vitamin E, vitamin B and essential fats. It has been found that those who do not have these nutrients have thinning hair. These foods reduce inflammation in the body and also have heart protection

 • Don't Forget Fruits Like nuts, nuts contain a variety of nutrients that our bodies need. Some of them are necessary for our hair to look good. Fruits, mainly chia seeds and flax, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids can reduce hair loss. These useful acids are also good for your heart.

• Soy Soy contains a substance called spermidine which promotes hair growth. It has been found that this mixture can prolong the active hair growth.

 • Pepper Did you know that vitamin C plays an important role in collagen production in the body? Collagen strengthens your hair follicles. Vitamin C also protects your hair from oxidative stress. Sweet peppers are rich in vitamin C. In addition, they also contain high vitamin A, another essential nutrient for hair growth.

 • Berries are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C. Antioxidant blockers strengthen the body against the harmful effects of damaging the cells of the body. The antioxidants in berry fruits also improve your skin health.

• Always add beans to your diet if you want healthy hair. Why? Because beans are rich in protein and zinc. Protein keeps your body healthy while zinc keeps your hair growth system stable. Eating beans will also ensure that you get iron, folic acid and biotin regularly, all of which are important for healthy hair. Nutrition plays a big role in the health of your hair. Add the best hair growth foods to your diet to ensure your strands are healthy and strong.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Kundalini Yoga in Hindi

कुंडलिनी शब्द क्या है? संस्कृत में कुंडलिनी "घुंघराले सांप" का संकेत देती है और प्रारंभिक पूर्वी धर्म में यह स्वीकार किया गया था कि रीढ़ के आधार पर स्वर्गीय ऊर्जा बनाई गई थी। यह ऊर्जा है जिसे हम दुनिया में लाए हैं, और कुंडलिनी "सांप को पकड़ने" का प्रयास करती है और हमें इस स्वर्गीय ऊर्जा को अंदर से जोड़ती है। What's the Kundalini Word? Kundalini in Sanskrit signifies "curled snake," and in early Eastern religion it was accepted that heavenly energy was made at the base of the spine. It's energy we are brought into the world with, and Kundalini attempts to "uncoil the snake" and associate us to this heavenly energy inside. कुंडलिनी योग क्या है? कुंडलिनी योग आध्यात्मिक विकास की यात्रा का विज्ञान है। … कुंडलिनी योग के माध्यम से तीव्र शारीरिक, मानसिक और आध्यात्मिक विकास एक साथ होता है। प्रभु ने हर इंसान को समान बुनियादी शक्ति दी है। इस शक्ति को विकसित करना हमारी नैतिक जिम्मेदारी है। What is Kundalini Yoga? Kundalini Yoga is the science of the journey of spiritual development. … Rapid physical, mental and spiritual development occur simultaneously through Kundalini Yoga. Ishwar (Prabhu) has given equally basic power to every human being. It is our responsibility to develop this power. कुंडलिनी कैसे जाग्रत करें? कुंडली कैसे जगाये? कुंडलिनी जागृत कैसे करे? अपने दैनिक अभ्यास में उठना-बैठना, जल्दी आराम करना, सात्विक आहार, प्राणायाम, धारणा और चिंतन करना आवश्यक है। अपने मानस और मस्तिष्क की निगरानी करना, उस घटना में जब आप लगातार आधे साल तक चक्रों को जगाने का प्रयास करते हैं, कुंडलिनी शुरू होती है। इसके लिए आपको किसी योग गुरु के मार्गदर्शन की तलाश करनी चाहिए. How to awaken the Kundalini ? It is essential to rise from the get-go in your daily practice, rest early, satvik diet, pranayama, dharana and contemplation. Monitoring your psyche and brain, in the event that you attempt to awaken the chakras consistently for a half year, Kundalini arousing starts. For this, you should look for the guidance of a yoga Master. कुंडलिनी योग खतरनाक क्यों है? इसी तरह किसी भी विद्युत ढांचे के साथ, कुंडलिनी की एक बाढ़ बाढ़ जाली को नुकसान पहुंचा सकती है, जिससे गंभीर मानसिक और वास्तविक बीमारी होती है। जबकि कुंडलिनी यात्राएं जिन चैनलों के माध्यम से आमतौर पर संवेदी प्रणाली के साथ मेल खाती हैं, कुंडलिनी एक विनीत ऊर्जा संरचना है जिसका अनुमान सामान्य तंत्रिका प्रसार की तरह नहीं लगाया जा सकता है Why is Kundalini Yoga dangerous?
Similarly as with any electrical framework, a force flood of Kundalini can harm the lattice, causing grave mental and actual ailment. While the channels through which Kundalini voyages do generally correspond with the sensory system, Kundalini is an unobtrusive energy structure that can't be estimated like normal nerve dissemination is. कुंडलिनी योग इतना शक्तिशाली क्यों है? कुंडलिनी योग आपके ऊर्जा क्षेत्र में ब्लॉक को साफ करता है। कुंडलिनी योग एक अन्य विज्ञान है, जो उत्साही शरीर से चोट पहुंचाने के लिए ध्वनि, मंत्र, ऊर्जा के परिवर्तन, गतिविधियों और चिंतन का उपयोग करता है, जो वास्तविक शरीर को शामिल करता है। https://kundalini-yoga-in-hindi.justarrivals.com